This page last changed on июл 06, 2009 by esl.
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if you don't need graphics report, set
$graphreport = 0;

For Graph REPORT you need:
GD Library

install GD with package managers ...

Distributive installer command
ASP Linux 10 yum yum install perl-GD
ALT Linux (master & Compact) apt-get apt-get install perl-GD2
Debian "Sarge" 3.1 apt-get apt-get install libgd-gd2-perl
Free BSD ports cd /usr/ports/p5-GD; make install
Gentoo emerge emerge dev-perl/GD
windows ActivePerl 5.8 ppm ppm install


part of lightsquid.cfg

#if you want user traffic GRAPHIC report, set it in 1
#WARNING !!!, need libgd, GD.PM & other external modules !!!
#please run for check library !!!!
$graphreport         = 1;

see above

#higest value on graph report
# for user month report (0.05*(...) = 50mb)
# for all user month report (1.05*(...) = 1 Gb)
$graphmaxall =1.00*(1024*1024*1024);

#color scheme for GRAPHICs, avaible "orange","blue","green","yellow","brown","red"
orange red green

gr-red.png (image/png)
gr-green.png (image/png)
gr-orange.png (image/png)
graph-month.png (image/png)
Document generated by Confluence on июл 07, 2009 00:15 Logo